Home » 2009 » October » 24 » SUPER GIGANTIC UPDATE!
0:30 AM
I hope you're enjoying Closed Beta 2. It's certainly good to be playing again after all this time.

Since my previous update thread seemed a little out of date, I moved it here: http://forums.aeriagames.com/viewtopic.php?t=429078

I wanted to start out by addressing several of the big issues many of you may be curious about. So let's get started:

  • Closed Beta Keys - Just to be sure everyone is clear, if you participated in CB1 or signed up for beta you do not need a new closed beta key. For anyone else you can find us plastered all over the front page of OnRPG.com.

  • Server Stability Issues - I've been a little quiet the last few days because I've been working closely with our team and the development team to try and track down & solve these issues. We expected there could be a few issues since so many changes were made to the server back-end before we started, but fixing the issues is another matter. The developers have just fixed one stability issue and are currently debugging another one. This is our top priority at the moment.

  • Server Lag - This seems to come and go. I have a feeling this may be related to the stability issues. We are still discussing this with the development team.

  • Reported Bugs - We've been reporting bugs to the developers as quickly as people are reporting them. There is a patch with several fixes (including one for Ghost Castle) that is on our test server. We will try to deploy this soon when things are ready.

  • Experience - There's been a lot of feedback about the new experience system. We have submitted your feedback to the developers and are now in discussions with them to make improvements. It may take a little, so hang in there!

  • Islands - As you can see phase 1 of the islands is a little rough. Once we resolve the above issues we'll continue to work with the developers on this.

  • New Area - The new area is a little unfinished (missing monsters, etc). The developers have informed me that the next big update they send us should contain some more content for this area.

  • Game Sages - Thank you everyone who has submitted an application to become a GS. We will be reviewing these soon, so last chance to get yours in if you're interested!

More on the way...


Update #1:

Tonight we performed a patch to fix a few bugs and also try to address server stability/performance. You can read about it here: http://forums.aeriagames.com/viewtopic.php?t=534138


Update #2:
The fixes the developers deployed seem to have reduced the crashing quite a bit, however the lag is still there (so much for the theory they were related).

We just took down the server for a moment to make the game stop lagging. While we did that we made a change to the server that may help a little. In order to better analyze, we are going to only run a single channel for a little while.


Update #3:
Server stability seemed much better today, but we were still seeing lag when a lot of players were online. So our team made a couple of small optimization changes to the server, then tonight the developers applied a small update that they think might help.


Update #4:
The developers provided us with another stability fix to the servers tonight.


Update #5:
Server seems more stable today, but developers are giving us another fix to help with crashes. They are also investigating the lag tonight. http://forums.aeriagames.com/viewtopic.php?t=540840


Update #6:
The developers are trying to isolate the cause of the lag. They are working with our team to reconfigure the servers so we can narrow down the cause. On top of that we have also received another server update that help more with the lag and stability issues. It looks good so far, but if/when the lag returns the developers have added some extra logging to help them find the cause of the issue.

So far the data the developers are collecting seems to be helping them track down the cause of the lag!

More information can be found here: http://forums.aeriagames.com/viewtopic.php?t=541714


Update #7:
The developers are now reviewing the data they've been collecting in the last 24 hours about the lag.


Update #8:
The developers are exploring a few ideas at the moment, but so far no conclusive fix for the server issues. In the mean time we are considering taking the servers down over the weekend since last weekend was admittedly kind of a mess. I will post more information about this tomorrow once we've made a decision.

Meanwhile OnRPG did a review of Turf Battles, check it out if you haven't seen it:


Update #9:
As previously mentioned, we decided to leave the server down over the weekend. You can read about this here: http://forums.aeriagames.com/viewtopic.php?t=544854


Update #10:
We are working with the developers to reinstall a server. Once this is done we'll have people help us test on that server to see if things are running better on it.

Also the developers have recently applied a fix that so far seems to be helping to an extent with the lag


Update #11:
Last night the developers reinstalled one of the servers and also deployed a new fix to help with lag / stability. So far the lag seems a lot better and not too many reports of disconnects! More information here: http://forums.aeriagames.com/viewtopic.php?p=4274226


Update #12:
Yesterday's lag fix seems to still be looking promising since we had more players on today and the feedback was mostly positive.

Tonight we are doing another server update to help more with the server stability. A little more information can be seen here: http://forums.aeriagames.com/viewtopic.php?p=4286792

Since things have been looking better, next week we'll be trying to push the number of players on the server at a time so that we can further test the stability as part of the efforts to prepare for Open Beta down the road.

Of course the big thing we're waiting for to begin Open Beta is phase 2 of the Island system. The developers got a little side tracked by all the unanticipated server issues, but they have ensured me that they are still making progress on implementing the next big update for Island system. At this time we're not entirely sure when it will be ready, but realistically I don't expect it to be done this month due to the delays.


Update #13:
There still appear to be a few server crashes remaining. We think we just discovered the cause of one, so we're going to report it to the developers today.

We are taking the server down tonight to apply another stability update. http://forums.aeriagames.com/viewtopic.php?t=556542

And in other news, the developers confirmed that they are making pretty good progress on the Islands, though still no ETA at this time.


Update #14:
Tonight we temporarily disabled the Biscupe Tournament event since we found it was crashing the server. The developers are working on a more comprehensive fix, though there's currently no ETA for this (shouldn't be too long I hope). http://forums.aeriagames.com/viewtopic.php?p=4336732

We've also received word that the developers are testing out the Colosseum feature we told you about a while back. Currently there's a few kinks to work out, so no exact ETA just yet on when this will be ready for us. My hope is sometime around Open Beta, but don't hold me to that Razz

Since the server has been looking better, we'll probably begin promoting Turf Battles now so we can stress test the server more, don't be surprised if you see a bunch of new faces (help out the new players!)


Update #15:
We have now sent out emails inviting people to join the 2nd Closed Beta. We also announced to the Aeria community that they can try it. We will continue promoting the game more next week as we want to see more people online and stress the servers more. If you see new players please give them a hand!

This evening we also released a new stability server patch. http://forums.aeriagames.com/viewtopic.php?t=559744

The developers are also fixing a few bugs we've reported to them, we'll probably release an update next week for a few of those changes


Update #16:
The good news is that this weekend we surpassed the number of players from CB1. The bad news is we experienced a couple of server issues over the weekend when a lot of players were online. We'll be talking to the developers so they can find the cause and continue to make improvements.


Update #17
Today the server crashed again when we had a lot of people were logged in, so we have been sending information to the developers to help them troubleshoot it. The good news is, at least overall things seem a lot more stable than they were a few weeks ago, and we have applied another stability patch tonight: http://forums.aeriagames.com/viewtopic.php?p=4387600

The developers are going on a short holiday at the end of the week, but before they go we're suppose to get an update from them to start testing internally. It should contain some bug fixes and other things we've asked for. Once we get the update and see what it consists of we'll share that with everyone.

Finally looking forward a little bit, we've requested a small Halloween event from the developers. They seem agreeable to provide us with this, but first they have a lot other things to finish working on before they can start on that.


Update #18:
Server had another issue today so the Developers made an adjustment for us, similar to what they did yesterday.

And tonight we are supposed to receive our new update before the developers leave on their holiday. Some tomorrow we expect to begin testing it Smile


Update #19:
We experienced the same server crash as yesterday, so we had to disable the Biscupe Tournament temporarily once again to keep things stable.

Also, I posted a huge announcement here that I think people will find very interesting:


Update #20:
We've been monitoring the servers carefully the last several days. Overall they seem to be a lot more stable than they were before, but we've noticed a few issues so tonight or tomorrow we're expecting a server update from the developers that should improve things more.

We'll probably be doing our first client patch of CB2 within the next few days. This will include various bug fixes from things that have been reported during the beta.

I also just posted a brief update that the developers are working on the bugs we reported to them for the Islands. We hope to get some fixes soon and then continue testing with the game sages. http://forums.aeriagames.com/viewtopic.php?p=4450558#4450558

Finally I wanted to inform everyone Valk is now becoming more involved working on a new game, Grand Fantasia. However the good news is Fosho is now spending about twice as much time as he was before focused on Turf Battles. Also we have a new member of the team whom we will announce soon that I think you will all enjoy.

Update #21 10/7/09

The developers will be adding a server patch tonight around 10:30 pm PST, that is supposed to help with server stability/lag.

Please give us your feedback after this patch has been implemented.


Update #22 10/8

Added a new client patch to the game.

Check out the Patch notes here

Update #23 10/12

We sent in a new list of bugs for the Island System Today. So far the system is coming along pretty well. Players can now participate in the Island battles 24/7 without registering.

A few minor tweaks are left to go. Such as making sure the guardians roam the islands, making teleportation via scroll or recall impossible while on the islands etc.

We also added a nice anti-hacking patch to test. So cheaters beware:)

Update #24 10/14

We applied an anti-hacking patch to live today. Players should no longer be able to exploit certain commands in the game.

We also received a new patch for the test server which adds a cool PK point "Halo" system to the game. More information on this system will come as we check it out.

Update #25 10/16

Added an Islands patch to test today. The patch included changes to the island guardian behavior, such as not being able to be killed by defenders. It also added a new PK Halo System that basically shows how powerful a player is. It's a really nice touch that I think you all will enjoy.

Also added were a few fixes to NPCs.

We are getting very close to having a fully functional island system. Once it is ready on test we will release it to live, and then everyone can rejoice and dance.

This week we also added a fix for duplicating. Players should no longer be able to do so. If you are a duper, and you're reading this, your time is short. Duplicating ruins a perfectly good game, and you are a nincompoop for doing it in the first place.

Shame on you.

To all those out there getting ancy, for open beta. We have fixed several major issues this week, and are making steady process towards finally getting this game out to the public.

Thanks for hanging in there, and have a wonderful weekend!

Update #26 10/19

Received some bad news today. Apparently duplicating still works. If anyone has any information as to how the new duping bug works. Please send it to Contact Us.

Thanks everyone!

Update #26 10/20

Updated the server with some anti-hacking, and console command fixes.

We also wiped thousands of duplicated items from the server.

Update #27 10/22

We suffered a bit of a setback in the last day or so. Smile Gate removed the Island content from test. So we are currently in the process of getting them to place it back with the appropriate bug fixes.

We have also been made aware of the EXP problems and a few other issues so we are actively working it out with SmileGate and the Game sages.

You should appreciate your game sages, as they are awesome, and are really the driving force behind getting TB operational!!
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