Players New to Turf Battles:
Q What is Turf Battles?
A Turf Battles is a fast-paced Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) that combines competitive Player vs Player (PvP) game play with Player vs Environment (PvE) game play.
Q: Is this game free?
A: Yes! All of the games that Aeria offers are Free to Play!
Q: What are the System Requirements?
A: You can find the System Requirements for Turf Battles here
Q: Where can I download Turf Battles?
A: Please visit the Turf Battles download site
Former Turf Battles Players:
Q: When is closed beta?
A: Closed Beta will be announced soon...
Q: How do I sign up for closed beta?
A: To sign up for closed beta, please visit the Turf Battles Beta Signup Page
Q: Can I use my previous Turf Battles game client to connect?
A: No, this version of Turf Battles is different from the previous. You will need the latest client found on our download site to play.
Q: How is this version of Turf Battles different from the previous?
A: This version of Turf Battles is based closely on the latest version of Sephiroth. This means that many bugs have been fixed and new content has been added, however certain parts of the game may seem a little different than before.
Q: How is Turf Battles different from Sephiroth?
A: Turf Battles is localized in English and will be trying to emphasize the PvP aspect of the game more than Sephiroth has in the past.
Q: Will my old character be available?
A: No, because this is a different version and Aeria Games does not have access to the data from the previous publisher, everyone will be starting over again with new characters.
Q: Will closed beta be wiped?
A: Yes! However open beta will not be.
Q: When will the item mall be added?
A: The item mall will not be added until the conclusion of Open Beta.
Gameplay Questions:
Q: How many Characters can i create on one Account?
A: You are able to create 3 Characters.
Q: How many races are there, and how many classes?
A: There are two races, and 7 classes
Q: How do I restore my health?
A: You must find Yuba in Ladianes Village to buy potions.
Q: How many people can join a Party?
A: 15 people are able to be in one Party together.
General Questions:
Q: What is an MMORPG?
A: MMORPG stands for "massively multiplayer online role-playing game." In an MMORPG, thousands of players exist in the same game world at the same time.
Q: What is the role of a Game Master (GM)?
A: Game Masters are employees of Aeria Games that both help maintain and moderate the game, ensuring that things run smoothly and according to the rules.
Q: What is the role of a Game Sage (GS)?
A: Game Sages are volunteers that have proven themselves knowledgeable of a specific game and have shown a desire to assist Aeria and the GM staff with helping new players, running events, answering questions, reporting problems, etc.