Scotty you changed the pics cause ofmy opion, cause you want to be a gameing Site(not tb only) or want to make it be more usefull? I am just interesting why you changed it.
(cause the new pics make a lot of Sence. A M H B2 B1. More Clear then that it can't be)
Ps. if your gameing site grows to multiply games.
You might have to change it to
A=admin // MT=Mod TurfForum // H=HTML Group // TB1(TBH)= TB OldStyle(Hyper) // TB2(TBA)=TB New style(aeria's TB)
And lets say your second forum group is for WoW.
MW=Mod WarcraftForum and W= Warcraft Member is you get where i am going.
Buth thats for the future.
Let me hear your opion about it and its just a example.